Saturday, March 08, 2008

Winter + PassionHK? a lost for a title..will get back to it.

I'm seriously getting sick of winter. I've never been much of a winter person, but I never really minded winter until the last couple of years. I think it has something to do with not being able to go boarding/skiing, but yeah, I want winter to be over, and summer to come.

A short update I guess on my "renewed" walk. I've had the desire to read God's word alot more lately. I'm not really reading through any particular book or following any particular tracks, I'm more just flipping to various passages, and really seeing what God is trying to say to me through those few passages. Also reading through Louie Giglio's book "I am not but I know I am"...

Another thing that's been on my mind lately, in Passion Hong Kong. Ever since PassionDC, where Sam shared her story, my relatives have been on my mind...ALOT. It think more of it started with Chris Luk said something along the lines of "no money (or monetary value) can represent how you would feel if you know your son/daughter is going to go to hell" (sorry if I butchered this Chris - if you ever read this - but after I heard it thoughts just starting rushing through my mind). I have talked to a few people about this, but its something I've been praying over lately. With almost all my relatives in HK, and only a couple of them being Christian, its really been on my heart to go back and spend some time with them and hopefully have a chance to share the gospel with them. Praying to see if God is calling me to go back for a week or two and just devote it to the relatives (and maybe serve at Passion HK). How awesome would it be to serve the students from the universities in HK and allow them to experience the worship environment/atmosphere that we've experienced here in Canada/US. In the end, its all about God's timing, and like I committed to His will and His timing, I'll go - whenever HE calls me to go.

Still can't think of a I guess I'll just have to go with something plain and simple

1 comment:

Christopher Luk said...

Hey buddy :)

Wow, it took me a long time to find your blog :p I where everyone else's blogs are ... I don't want to miss out on so much fun!

I'm glad that God has burdened you with the idea of people not knowing Jesus Christ personally and them walking in darkness. We have to genuinely love the lost and see them for who they really are -- people that are lost, that are walking in darkness, and their only future is death. God has placed us here to be a part of His rescue mission :D To tell them about Jesus Christ, how He gives us freedom and life to the full :)

I think you got the idea, "How much money could you earn that would satisfy your guilt and shame in knowing that your children/family/relatives/friends will go to hell?" You and I both know that there is no monetary value great enough to save these people from the wrath of Almighty God.

Passion HK.