Tuesday, February 09, 2010

T-minus 7

I can't believe how fast this has creep-ed up on me - but I'm departing in 7 days for Vancouver + Hong Kong + Las Vegas! January has flew by, between looking for jobs during the day, playing various sports in the evening, and weekends somewhere in the middle, it's amazing how fast the calendar turned to February.

I'm not sure if I can say I'm excited yet, simply because there is still so much to do before departure. Still have to buckle down and plan this trip - places to go to, restaurants to try, things and people to see - and on top of that still have to determine what is the best way to handle the luggage situation - what to pack for Vancouver, what to carry onward to Hong Kong after Vancouver and what to have brought back to Toronto. Of course there is still a couple of interviews coming up this week on top of a skills assessment test where preparations will be required.

With that said, I think it also boils down to the fact that this trip has yet to completely sunk in. Not only am I going to Vancouver, I'm going during the freaking Winter Olympics! After that, I'm excited just to visit the family and friends I have in Hong Kong as it has been almost 4 years since I have been there - and I really don't know when the next opportunity will come up where I will have a chance to be able to see them again (especially my grandparents).

Anyways, enough rambling for now - I will TRY to keep this blog relatively updated during my trip (at least the Vancouver portion), but there is no guarantee. I know I won't be able to do much while in HK as I will be staying at my grandparents and AFAIK, they do not have internet access at their house. So that part will probably have to wait until I return to Toronto. I will definitely continue twittering while I'm away, so follow my twitter for more up-to-date updates.