Monday, March 31, 2008

Back to Toronto

I've officially moved out of my place in Waterloo and now I'm back in Toronto full time. Will be commuting on Tuesday/Wednesday of this week, and that will be the end of my school term in terms of lectures/classes. Long day these next two days though with 2 in class exams, with one being possibly worth 40%. It is also a class that I haven't doing too well in this term, and yet I haven't exactly done much studying. Probably going to be an allnighter tonight, but whatever. Wednesday's won't be as bad as its only worth 25%, so not really going worry too much about it right now. A couple of exams at the end of next week, and another 2 weeks from now, and then summer officially begins. Still trying to figure out what to do about summer employment.

Back to "nerding"

Friday, March 28, 2008

Bad Habits

Its been pretty bad lately. Not sleeping until 3/4/5am in the morning, and eating like 1.5 meals a day...

I'll be unofficially moving out of the place I've been living at for the past 7 months tomorrow. Time flies, still felt like yesterday when I met these guys for the first time. Don't think any of them will ever read this, but thanks for everything...the past 7 months has been alot of fun. Looking around the room, I'm not sure if I can fit everything in my car tomorrow, might have to come back after Grad Dinner on Sunday to get whatever I leave behind due to space.

Still need a summer job...NYC tripS planning in progress...still praying for HK...contemplating whether or not to apply to be a don...

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Very hard decision, but...

CCF Grad Dinner > Wrestlemania + Raptors game + Chris Bosh All-Star Bobblehead..

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Intramural Volleyball

A random note...currently in the semi-finals for advanced vision bracket 1 - if we win the next game we'll be playing the finals on varsity court...something to strive for.

I'm hoping that yesterday's storm was the last one for the really getting sick of the coldness and winter in general. Time for spring/summer - aka softball, soccer, you name it! Time to bring back that flipflop tan!

Sleepless Night

Another night where there are so many thoughts running through my head that I just can't seem to fall asleep....don't even know where to begin.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Relationship Building

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother...its like why I do I even bother wasting time and effort in a losing battle, or at a lost cause. Thinking back, it seems like my fingers are always pointed outwards, should it be time to turn that finger inwards? Am I the problem? Am I going about it the wrong way? I'm not talking about a romantic relationship here, but merely friendships and a relationship between a brother/brother or brother/sister. It feels like there is always a barrier somewhere, some kind of invisible shield. Is it that hard to be able to have and maintain connections? Sometimes it seems like when I try to get closer to Him, I end up getting further away from people. Ever since I came back from Passion, where I've striven to try to get to know Him more intimately, I seem to have messed up more relationships by either saying things that probably are better left unsaid, or I don't say things that I should. Sometimes it feels like I'm wasting time on the wrong relationships...trying to build something out of nothing, something that is non-existent, pursuing something that should not be pursued, and then I turn around and turn away ones I should invest time in building up...I need to get my head checked.

I feel like I hate (well..not hate since hate is such a strong word), but dislike(?) who I am/have become/am becoming?

Some random notes. I really really really do not have any motivation for school. Its been going on since mid-Feb, and to this date, I've probably skipped more classes then the ones I've attended. Granted, I did have 2 weeks where I was sick, and 1 week I skipped for TC, but even the weeks I'm in Waterloo - I just don't feel like going and attending classes. I think this third year in general has been pretty brutal for me academic wise...I'll need to find a way to dig deep and finish off strong, 3 exams next week and 1 is definitely not going to be pretty...

Monday, March 17, 2008

Crazy Week

Just felt like randomly blogging a note here for some reason...these past few days (or a week and a bit) has been crazy. A sort-of last minute decision to serve at being in Toronto during school week, into London for Friday night and in Waterloo during the weekend, its been nuts. Finally had a bit of time to rewind on Saturday/Sunday and my body decide to get sick. Ended up sleeping for like 16 hours on Saturday, missing out on the fashion show and all.

Sometimes I just feel like the more things change, the more things stay the same...maybe its just a coincidence, but I really don't know whether I should embrace that, or if I should look at it as an insult to myself by myself...:S

Back to making the playoffs schedule for intramural volleyball, captains meeting is in 2 hours

Sunday, March 16, 2008

There goes 4 days

And...TC is over. It was an eye-opener to say the least. Seeing TC from a different perspective, and more importantly being humbled through serving. I'll probably write up something sometime soon....

Sunday, March 09, 2008


Still hate trying to think of titles...

Still learning...

Still being changed by His grace and mercy...

Still wondering...pondering...whether or not some things needs to be said...

Still waiting in anticipation of what is to come...

Still losing at Roll Up the Rim to Win..

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Winter + PassionHK? a lost for a title..will get back to it.

I'm seriously getting sick of winter. I've never been much of a winter person, but I never really minded winter until the last couple of years. I think it has something to do with not being able to go boarding/skiing, but yeah, I want winter to be over, and summer to come.

A short update I guess on my "renewed" walk. I've had the desire to read God's word alot more lately. I'm not really reading through any particular book or following any particular tracks, I'm more just flipping to various passages, and really seeing what God is trying to say to me through those few passages. Also reading through Louie Giglio's book "I am not but I know I am"...

Another thing that's been on my mind lately, in Passion Hong Kong. Ever since PassionDC, where Sam shared her story, my relatives have been on my mind...ALOT. It think more of it started with Chris Luk said something along the lines of "no money (or monetary value) can represent how you would feel if you know your son/daughter is going to go to hell" (sorry if I butchered this Chris - if you ever read this - but after I heard it thoughts just starting rushing through my mind). I have talked to a few people about this, but its something I've been praying over lately. With almost all my relatives in HK, and only a couple of them being Christian, its really been on my heart to go back and spend some time with them and hopefully have a chance to share the gospel with them. Praying to see if God is calling me to go back for a week or two and just devote it to the relatives (and maybe serve at Passion HK). How awesome would it be to serve the students from the universities in HK and allow them to experience the worship environment/atmosphere that we've experienced here in Canada/US. In the end, its all about God's timing, and like I committed to His will and His timing, I'll go - whenever HE calls me to go.

Still can't think of a I guess I'll just have to go with something plain and simple

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Be Still

"Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."

Psalm 46:10