Monday, October 30, 2006


I think I realized why its so hard for people to open up to someone, or more specificly for me to open to anyone. You feel vulnerable when you do open up to someone, and what you say comes back and bite you in the rear-end. Its not easy to find someone that you can trust, and having them prove you were correct in trusting them. So treassure those friends that you have, that you would depend your life on. There are only so many you will encounter throughout your life time.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Set 1 over

So much for updating this regularly, I don't know how many times I've said to myself "I will blog regularly"...nope...never happened except during the World Cup earlier this summer.

Anywho, here it goes. The first set of midterms and stuff just finished. Monday and Tuesday of this week consisted of 3 midterms, and 2 essays due. Each were worth 20% or more. This past weekend consisted of...reading over 700 pages of various textbooks, getting 10 hours of sleep on Saturday and Sunday night in total, and 0 on Monday night. I guess next week will be the week where I find out if cramming works or not =D

My school routine has gotten pretty...routine this year. It consists of waking up for school, grab lunch on campus, going to classes, come home, cook/buy dinner, do some work/lounge around/occasionally watch tv. With fall-ball over, there goes one activity that I did on weeknights regularly. Theres no more badminton club, even though I've been wanting to go for awhile, and that I blame on the distance between my house and campus. At least I've been going to (or starting to) go to CCF regularly. It feels like I'm losing a bit of my social life up here. I still have friends that I bump into on campus, we might go study at the library together, or what not, but it seems theres not really a group like in Toronto where we would hang out regularly. I guess with going to CCF more consistently, I will be able to build up more friendships, but it appears that most of the relationships here are pretty shallow.

On another note, Phantom of the Opera - =]
Exam schedule, not completely happy with how it turned out, but I'm not complaining either. Gets off pretty late, with a pretty big break in between, but it oculd always be worse, so staying positive.

Other than that...I think thats a wrap!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Quick Update

I really need to update this blog on a more regularly basis, but I don't always have things to say, or I don't know how to express them in words, or I'm just too "busy with school work".

Something funny happened recently on one of my many adventures aboard the wonderful greyhound motor coaches. I was seated behind this lady, and theres something special about this lady. Her head is like a bobblehead! I am not even joking, when I say the WHOLE trip from Kitchener to Toronto, her head just did not stop "bobbling". Normally I would be sleeping the whole trip, but since I did get a decent night sleep the night before, plus it was after a morning class, so I wasn't exactly tired yet. I ended up watching some shows on my Zen Vision M, and everytime I looked up, her head was bobbling! So that kept me amused for a bit.

On to a more serious subject. As alot of you know, I am an avid sports fan, I cannot get enough of sports. But a comment from my friend made me sick to my stomach. After the tragic death of Cory Lidle yesterday, my friend approaches me and says "Don't you wish that was Derek Jeter in that plane? Or don't you think the Red Sox fans wished it was Johnny Damon in that plane?". I admitt, I'm not a big fan of the Yankees (but I do have alot of respect for Derek Jeter), but this is no laughing matter. I don't wish upon anyone to have that kind of death, nor do I wish anyone to be going through what his family is going through right now. But there must a line drawn between being a sports fan and hating a team/player, to what goes on in reality.

Enough about that, on to other things. It was an awesome Thanksgiving weekend, got to spend some time with people that I haven't seen for a long time. Celebrated an elementary school friend's birthday, got to catch up with a few guys from high school, and bumping into quite a few high school people along the way, felt a bit like a mini-unofficial-unplanned-reunion. Had a good time at the Lumas reunion. Spent a great deal of time chatting with Nelson in front of the TV, but it was great to have the chance to get to know him better.

Had an extremely short week this week, not that I'm complaining =D Its going to be a pretty crazy week the next couple of weeks. Got a couple of papers due, and a couple of midterms coming up. Have to finish 2 articles that combine for 50 pages this weekend, fun stuff.

By the way, I got a extra ticket to the Jean Beliveau signing taking place at the Hard Rock Cafe on Nov 14th. Its valued at $29 and can be "traded" fo ran autograph on a "flat item" (aka pictures). Let me know if you're interested.


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Here we go!

Another NHL season is underway!

I am ready for:
1. Another season of Leafs mediocrity
2. Toronto media bashing the Leafs after a loss and planning the parade route after a win
3. Road trip to Buffalo to watch exciting hockey
4. 2 Leafs game this year (hopefully more)

I am excited for:
1. Seeing how big of a monster Phaneuf can be this year
2. Iginla hopefully playing back to his abilities
3. Ovechkin completely making defenseman look foolish
4. Crosby bringing the Pens out of the basement

My bold prediction:
1. Buffalo and Anaheim will be #1 in their respective conference
2. Ottawa will get knocked out in the first round of the playoffs

Lets drop the puck! The world is waiting..

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

MLB Playoffs Predictions

Yankees 3 - 1 Tigers
Twins 3 - 1 Athletics
Cardinals 3 - 1 Padres
Dodgers 0 - 3 Mets

Yankees 4 - 2 Twins
Mets 4 - 3 Cardinals

Mets 4 - 2 Yankees