Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Thank You, and Lumas

Hats off to everyone on Lumas this season for a wonderful season. Words can't express how thankful I am for all of you this summer, for all the great efforts everyone put into this season on and off the field. You guys made this summer a great one, all the time we spent on the field together at games and practices, all the dinners/bonding time we have, these are memories that I will cherish. It was amazing to witness the growth of all the players on the team, both on the field and off the field. Seeing them fellowship with one another, and more important continue their walk with Christ.

Most importantly, I want to thank our Almighty God, whom have been SO faithful throughout the season. He have shown me so much, taught me so much throughout this season. I'm constantly blessed by so many others on this team, and those on the other teams. The support both from other teams we play with was overwhelming, and the friendships that were formed as a result of this ministry is such a blessing. While I have my time of weakness during the season, times when I get frustrated with myself, lost patiences with others, but He remained faithful.

While the season has ended, everything that I experienced this season, will not be forgotten. While I don't know what the future holds for me in terms of next season, but I know this season, has been a blessing. This is not the end, there is still the banquet on Thursday, and the year-end party on Sunday. Looking forward to it guys!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Playoff Thoughts

Don't waste energy and time focusing on the "we can't"s, rather use that time and energy to focus on the "we can"s. While the playoff bracket was not within our control, to say the end result was disappointing to me is an understatement. The energy and hopes of seeing the preliminary standings were replaced with frustration and disappointment.

While that might be the case, our focus should not be over the "should have"s or the "could have"s, our focus should be the accomplishments, the big strides that we have taken this season. Seeing many players come a long way from the start of the season, not only skills-wise, but also their attitude off the field is a victory on its own. Hearing from friends on other teams who have told me about the positive impact our games had on various players on their respective teams is another victory. With the fellowshipping, the unity, and the bonds that were created and strengthened throughout this season, regardless of the end result of the weekend, I firmly believe, we have fought a winning battle. While at times we focus on the victory on the field, that is only secondary, secondary to other accomplishments along the way. Despite the tough road ahead, there will never be something called "for sure" in sporting results. But one thing that is for sure, is that we can put our best effort into the games we play, regardless of the actual result. Maybe despite our best efforts, we fall short, but the only thing that matters, is that we gave it our all. Don't focus on what we can't do, but rather focus on what we can do.

"just do your thang boss, do your thang." Well said..

Thanks W. Leung, what you do does not go unnoticed bro.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Don't take things/people for granted

Not too many people know, but my grandfather passed away exactly 3 weeks ago. I was very fortunate to have returned to HK earlier this summer (in April and May) to not only visit, but spend time with my grandfather and celebrated his birthday with him. At the same time, my uncle, who originally planned to return to HK with me, was unable to do so as a result of work committments, and decided to postpone his return until October when it would've been my grandparents' 60th anniversary. When the news of my grandfather's death reached my uncle's ears, he broke down. Why? He was probably the closest son to my grandfather out of all the sons in the family. My uncle did not even have the opportunity to see his father one last time before he moved on. He is still blaming himself for not being able to go back to HK in April, therefore not having the chance to spend time with him. No body expected this to happen, it was very shocking to all of us. My uncle never had the chance to tell his father how much he loved him, how much he cared for him. It reminds of an event that happened a few years ago. The father of friend of mine passed away suddenly one morning of a traffic accident. There are many things, many events, that none of us can ever expect to happen. Many times we think "it can never happen to us", but accidents happen. Theres a reason why accident is called "an accident", if someone can foresee an event, it won't be called an accident. Many times in our lives, we take the people for granted. We take having our parents for granted, we take our friends for granted. We take having food on our dining table for granted, it seems such a normal event to be able to see your friends each weekend on the baseball diamond, or talk to them over the phone. We take our parents' love for granted. Sometimes, accidents happen, and suddenly, the person we have taken for granted for so long is no longer with us.

While we have faced many times where we wished our parents will stop nagging us, or the times we wished our friend was better at math so he can help us in our homework, take this time to reflect on your relationship with everyone around you. Have you taken their prescence for granted?

Take this opportunity, tell your parents you love them, how much they mean to you, thank them for everything they've done for you. Thank your friends for being there when you needed someone to listen to you rant, or the time when you needed help for a particular assignment, or thank them for staying up with you until the next morning when you had to get something done. Because you just never know, when that opportunity of telling them you love them, and appreciate what they've done for you, no longer exist.

Other matters:
I just realized this has been one of my longer blogs thats not sports related. Anyways, I'm still struggling, still learning, and still seeking God's direction. Many things have happened, but the most important lesson I'm still learning, is to wait and seek God's timing. In many things I've done in life, I have done things on my own timing. I have hurt myself, and I have hurt others along the way. I wish I can take back alot of the things that I've said or done, but I can't. As I move along in this journey, I've discovered many things, many weaknesses that I struggle with. I've come to a realization that many of these weaknesses, all these struggles I have, result in the lack of trust towards God, the lack of patience towards Him, and more importantly, relying on my own strength rather then relying, trusting in Him. As I continue on this journey, learning and seeking for His wisdom, I know I will encounter many more obstacles, but I pray to be obedient, to be patient, and to be humble. While I'm sure I have many other weaknesses, and I will encounter more struggles, I know that God will always be with me. seemed like all these things just rushed out of me....does it even make sense? Oh wellz...its my blog, so I can put whatever I want on it =รพ, even if it makes no sense at all!
