Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Playoff Thoughts

Don't waste energy and time focusing on the "we can't"s, rather use that time and energy to focus on the "we can"s. While the playoff bracket was not within our control, to say the end result was disappointing to me is an understatement. The energy and hopes of seeing the preliminary standings were replaced with frustration and disappointment.

While that might be the case, our focus should not be over the "should have"s or the "could have"s, our focus should be the accomplishments, the big strides that we have taken this season. Seeing many players come a long way from the start of the season, not only skills-wise, but also their attitude off the field is a victory on its own. Hearing from friends on other teams who have told me about the positive impact our games had on various players on their respective teams is another victory. With the fellowshipping, the unity, and the bonds that were created and strengthened throughout this season, regardless of the end result of the weekend, I firmly believe, we have fought a winning battle. While at times we focus on the victory on the field, that is only secondary, secondary to other accomplishments along the way. Despite the tough road ahead, there will never be something called "for sure" in sporting results. But one thing that is for sure, is that we can put our best effort into the games we play, regardless of the actual result. Maybe despite our best efforts, we fall short, but the only thing that matters, is that we gave it our all. Don't focus on what we can't do, but rather focus on what we can do.

"just do your thang boss, do your thang." Well said..

Thanks W. Leung, what you do does not go unnoticed bro.

1 comment:

wess said...

Sure thing Albert!

yes i know you're not talking to one ever is! kidding... nice to hear your thoughts wes. As always, ill be here if i can be...and once again, glad i could be there for you.