Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Rant Post

This is a small rant post about how annoying some people can get, so if you don't like rants, please place your fingers over the button "ALT" and the button "F4", and press them down at the same time. Now that I have the remaining audience, I shall begin.

Its almost 5am, the sun is about to rise in a couple of hours. I'm buried in my books thats piled a mile high.
Location: Student Life Centre 3rd Floor
Purpose: To complete 2 "take home exams"

So as I sit here, working hard, fighting my fatigue to finish my essay, when these two very considerate gentlement showed up. Not only did they bring chips and drinks, they also brought alot of work to do. They began work night by opening their bags of chips, and proceed to chew very loudly, as if warming up their jaws for their work. As they finish their warmup exercise, they began chatting loudly in a room where people are finishing essays and studying for exams. They begin their work by going through pictures on their laptop, discussing how ugly some people are, and how retarded they look. As they completed their work, they moved on to talking about how annoying some people could be, and how much they wish they can beat someone up.

Disclaimer: I hope all the readers detected the use of sarcasm in the previous paragraph....

Enough ranting, back to Sir Wilfred Laurier and Lester B. seriously.



` crystaℓℓ♥ said...

seems like im always the only one posting...

ur rants are funny.. xDD but hey.. i get that too.. but not with the chips.. but yes.. how ppl look and stuff... very.very. productive? hm.. if u knew them.. tell them to.. GO AWAYYYYYY.. then smile kindly..xDD

anyway...good luck on ur 2 'take home exams'!!
very interesting wilfred and pearson.. Zzzzzz

Darren said...

i think this picture can summarize how you felt...

wess said...

thanks for the visit wes! =) yayyy i feel so specho.