Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Passion Toronto...

Passion was an awesome night! It was a great night, not only because of the awesome worship time led by Charlie, Chris and David, not only because we were all able to freely worship and express our love for the Almighty One with all the brothers and sisters from different campus. It was an awesome night because God is here, in Toronto, in Ontario, in Canada, and He wants to use us to serve Him and glorify Him!

What a great reminder from Louie, when he mentioned how God is BIG...kind of similar to what I wrote about Horton and the Whos the previous post. But I don't know how many of you does this, but for me, there have been many times where I just feel that what I did simply can't be forgiven, and you know what, He still loves us. Despite being the HUGE and totally awesome God that He is, He can still call each of us by name, small and tiny indivudal, and loves us to the point that its beyond imagination. It was also a great reminder that God KNOWS, He doesn't need us to tell Him what to do, give Him advice etc etc, it is US that needs to do less talking, and more listening. Our passion should not be for some earthly things, but for His name and His renown.


ediesblah said...

gaaaaaahhhhhh... wish soooo badly i could've gone... sounds so good - heard so many good things bout it!! what songs did they do?

gahhh couldn't go cuz of rehearsiccal/seussicide... and analysis class....

speaking of rehearsiccals: finding God in Seussical... that's GENIUS... GENIUS i tell u!!
ahhhh soooo awesome!!


dani said...

finding God in seussical...awsome! great you can see God in every aspect, or any aspect, of your life, even in a simple play. (oh fine, not so simple *cough*edie*cough*) it's true...the earth is filled with his glory.

oh UNIVERSE is FILLED with his GLORY!!! (passion was amazing!!) even out to the farthest's shouting out to jesus with it's very own x-figure. man that totally blew me God is AWSOME.