Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Finding God in Seussical?!?!

Ok, here is the deal. Been awake for ages working on two papers which I must complete or else I wouldn't be able to go to Passions tomorrow (well, today). Finished in a few mins ago, and seeing it being 6:40, instead of sleeping for 1 hour and waking up for class, I decided to come on here to kill time. Well, not kill, but you get the point.

So I headed out to watch Seussica the Musical with one of my friends from UW last week. For thse who don't know, Seussical the Musical is a musical that is based of the many works of Dr. Seuss. Now the reason I decided to go, was I wanted to see how a semi-pro production compared to the high school productions we did last year. I won't go into how they compared, but when I was thinking back to the actual musical, there was a few things that I noticed. Seeing how there is "finding God in Harry Potter", "finding God in Lord of the Rings", I figured, lets write a "finding God in Seussical". Now I cannot write a full book on it, but I can write a few paragraphs with some of my thoughts on it.

In the musical, "Whoville", is a planet which is as small as a speck dust, and those living in Whoville are known as The Whos. When I think back, I relate us as human beings on earth as those Whos in Whoville (Earth). When Whoville was falling through the air, and was caught by Horton the Elephant, Horton took the role of "God". Now Horton, being the size of an elephant, did not have to do anything with Whoville. He could've simply let them fall to the ground until someone steps on it. But he chose to catch them and take care of them. When Horton lost Whoville, he searched and searched, determined to search until it was found. Now thinking about it, Horton is very much like God sometimes. We are so small compared to God, so small we are even smaller then a speck of dust, but God chooses to love us, care for us, listen to us. When we are lost, He doesn't let us wonder astray, He goes and search for us, until the day we are found and are back with Him.

At the same time, the various animals and other characters in Seussical mocked Horto for taking care of a speck of dust, and wanted to take Whoville away from Horton. No matter what was going on, Horton held on to the Whos. Similarly, many times in life, we are tempted with different things in various situations, God never leaves us. It is Satan who tries to draw us away from God, tempting us to do things that does not glorify God.

Finally, there are those who lives among us, despite living on "Whoville", forgets the reason he/she is there. Those who go astray, does not necessary go off because they choose to, it may be simply due to things happening in life that leads them down the wrong path, or something happened and they need support. It is at that time when brothers and sisters come in, lends a hand, and support the individual.

I don't know if any of this made sense at all, especially if you have never seen the play. Even if you have, I doubt any of this will make sense since it is written slightly before 7am. But either way, I just wanted to get that little bit off my chest.

Now...I promise my sports segment will be short. I got to leave some for this blog even though I do have a primary sports blog on a sports website now. Ask me if you are interested in reading that blog.

Cooler Talk:
- classic case of salary dump, Josh Beckett and Mike Lowell to the Red Sox for essentially nothing, but the salary the Red Sox will be picking up also mean they can also say goodbye to Johnny Damon
- scary incident in Detroit last night. Jiri Fischer collapsed on the bench in the middle of the game. hats off the the NHL for cancelling the game. it made no sense for them to continue, when the minds of the players and the fans was obviously with Fischer.

Thats it for today. I will try to update this more often, but I've been saying that for awhile, so we'll see what happens.

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