Friday, March 18, 2005

Guess who's back

I dont know, something got to me, and I don't know what, got me back into thinking about blogging again...anyways, more to come.

So instead of moving to xanga, I created an account there, for nothing. After the previous post, never posted at xanga, and never really planned to, it was more like I quit blogging, but it wasn't really a habit back then anyway.

Now why did I start again today? I don't know, nothing really happened to trigger me to start again, I just...started again. Hopefully I can actually keep it going again.

1 comment:

ediesblah said...

edith here!
nooo lorr... blogger is better!! =P
good choice wes!!
haha jus jking...
my blog:
i'll see u guys hopefully tues!