Tuesday, October 06, 2009

End of one season, beginning of the next

September has come and gone, which leads us into October. And beginning of October also means the end of the regular season for MLB baseball, and the start of the regular season for NHL hockey.

Fantasy baseball wise, the last week of the season really sucked. I went from having 3 out of 4 teams finishing in the top 3 of my leagues (would've had a first, second, and third), to only having a team in second. The other two ended up dropping to fifth and fourth respectively.

I'm not really in the mood to really update...so going to leave it at that for now. Will get to other stuff later on.


Angelica Almanza said...

Yes, so for teams simply finish of your leagues.

Giselda Endrizzi said...

That's what i'm talking about! I die for this game!

Steven Woods said...

Teams can guarantee to be finished for your leagues